
We are glad that you are interested in knowing more about Lancaster Baptist
Church. If you are interested in becoming a follower of Jesus Christ or are
interested in becoming a member of Lancaster Baptist Church, we would ask that
you make that desire known to one of our Pastors as soon as possible. They would
welcome the opportunity to counsel with you and to help you know how to have a
relationship with Jesus or discuss your desire for church membership.

Because of the sacrifice and love of our Lord Jesus Christ for His church, we want to
make sure every member understands the importance of church membership. In
order to help accomplish this person, we recommend every person to participate in an
“Engage” before joining the church.

The Engage Class will help provide you with a thorough understanding of the
meaning and responsibilities of membership here at Lancaster. This class will
outline the specific beliefs as well as the various ministries of this church. It also
provides and opportunity for you to meet the pastor and to ask any questions you
might have.

Request Membership:

After attending the Engage, you will be able to request
membership at Lancaster Baptist. If you are a new believer you will want to be baptized as an act of obedience to Christ.
If you are coming from another church you can request membership by
1) letter of recommendation
 2) statement of faith
3) through baptism.
These items can be discussed with the pastor before he
presents you to the church for membership.


by the Church: You will be presented to the church for
church approval of membership.

Responsible Church Membership

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ; so that
whether I come and see you or remain absent, I may hear of you that you are
standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the
Philippians 1:27

I. Bible Study

(II Timothy 2:15, Nehemiah 8:2-3)
If we are ever truly going to be the people of God, then we must be the people of God’s Word. Consistent, unhurried time in God’s Word produces growth and maturity, victory over sin,
guidance in our daily walk, and preparation for Christian service. We must actively participate in the individual and corporate study of the scriptures.

IV. Stewardship

(Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10)
Healthy Stewardship begins with the realization that everything we have belongs to God. When  we give our tithes and offerings, we are returning to God the portion He has requested so that His church can carry on the ministry of the gospel. God blesses those who give cheerful as well as cursing those who hold back and steal from Him (Malachi 3:8-10). We must be responsible with whatever measure of wealth God has entrusted to us.

II. Worship

(Psalm 95:6-7, John 4:23-24)
 Worship is honor and adoration directed towards God. We worship God individually with our obedience and devotion, but we need to praise God by assembling regularly with His people to celebrate His goodness and greatness. Through worship, God is glorified, the  believer is purified, the church is edited, and the unsaved are evangelized.

V. Fellowship

(Hebrews 10:24-25, Acts 2: 42-47)
As Christians, we are part of God’s own family, and just like any family member, we need to be involved. We must develop genuine relationships with other believers in order to encourage one another to live more effective Christian lives.

III. Evangelism

(Matthew 28:19-20)
Christ has commissioned every believer to go
forth and share the gospel. We need to fulfill the Great Commission by establishing relationships with the unchurched in order to bring them into a vital relationship with Christ and His church. A believer that is growing and submitting to the Holy Spirit will want to share the truth of eternity with others.

VI. Ministry

(I Peter 4:10, Ephesians 4:11-12)
If salvation was the only purpose God had in mind for the Christian, He would take us from this earth the very moment we prayed to receive Him. The reality is that every believer has been created for ministry. We need to discover, develop, and deploy our God-given spiritual gifts in the area of ministry for which Christ has uniquely equipped us.